Zoned/Free Survivors/Others

Survivors come in many shapes, forms and fashions. For ease of organization, I've divided them into three categories here, Zoned Survivors, Free Survivors, and Others.

OOC: If you can think of any other cool classes for the Others category, let me know. Unlike with other classes, your character CAN start as one of these. It's totally understandable that someone who was a Doctor before the outbreak, or studying to be one, would be one during this SL.

Zoned Survivors

Zoned Survivors live within the military patrolled and kept confines of quarantine zones. The military rule is strict and they are not allowed to leave. Food and water are a bit easier to come by, but are heavily rationed with ration cards, as the needs of the military always come first. As long as the zone is military-controlled these citizens are safe from infected.

Zoned Survivors can include Firefly collaborators and Smugglers.

Weapons: Medium and Light

Free Survivors

Free survivors have chosen the freedom of living without military rule, but sacrifice their safety in doing so. They have to fight infected by whatever means necessary. They are also vulnerable to the many gangs of Hunters who roam the country (usually near zones) who do not hesitate to take whatever they want by force.

Some free survivors are lucky enough to be able to gather and form small, but highly organized, communities in which they can co-exist. These people are just trying to survive while holding on to their humanity.

These survivors are typically highly skilled hunters and scavengers, but aren't the best fighters and defenders. They use their intelligence and stealth above all. They have an advanced understanding of the infected as they often have encounters with them.

Weapons: Medium and Light



Smugglers are a very important asset in this new world. They have the capability and contacts to sneak supplies in and out of the quarantined zones. They are highly intelligent and are advanced in mapping and stealth. They know the lay of the land better even than the military. They know where it's safe and where it's not. Their one weakness is greed. If you have nothing to offer them, then they will typically not help you.

Weapons: Medium and Light


Doctors in this world are highly valued assets. They are sought out by the military to help in quarantine zones, as well as the Fireflies, to help find a cure for CBI. While they're highly intelligent, they lack common sense and survival skills. They have to rely on others to help them procure what they need. They work best as a member of a team

Weapons: Non Range Medium and Light